Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Universal Mobile Phone PC suite Phone Manager for Linux Ubuntu Fedora

Most of us use our computers to backup all the contacts, messages and calendars. This is generally done with the “PC Suite”-like applications provided by the vendor. Some of the most popular ones are Sony Ericsson PC Suite (recently revamped as SE PC Companion), Nokia PC Suite and a few others.

They all do one single thing – synchronize contents from your phone with your PC. Most of these suites provided by the vendor are Windows-only ( or sometimes support Mac too ).

What if you are running your favourite Linux distro? Do you boot Windows to use these suites? Or try running them from WINE (which probably fails to work)?

There is actually an open source phone manager for Linux. It’s called Gammu (strange name, I know!). Gammu is actually a command-line tool to manage your phone. A fine-crafted GUI is also available. It’s called Wammu.

With Wammu, you can do almost all the things the vendor-supplied PC suites offer: View call logs,contacts,calendar,messages; backup all your phone data and much more!

Mobile phone PC Suite Linux

Does my phone supports it?

Most of the phones are supported by Wammu. For the complete list, see – List of phones supported by Gammu


Installing Wammu is very easy. Just open terminal, and type the following:

Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gammu wammu

Fedora: sudo yum install gammu wammu

Using Wammu

Wammu requires additional permissions to listen on the USB ports. So we recommend you starting Wammu as a root user from Terminal.

Just type

Ubuntu and Fedora: sudo wammu

Then connect your phone with USB cable or Bluetooth and select the proper port (you might have to try all listed there).

Note – Wammu cannot scan the ports unless you start it under root user. You must always start wammu as a root user as above

P.S: Even if your phone isn’t listed on the website, but your vendor name is, it is very likely that Wammu supports your phone. My W595 wasn’t listed but Wammu readily connected with all the features activated.

Integrate the Terminal with the Desktop On Linux

Over the years there have been all sorts of fun ways to edit one’s Linux terminal window. In addition to editing all the boring old things like text color and scroll settings, people have edited their headers, terminal behaviors, and even integrated an entire terminal window into their background.
Many people are fond of that last one, but it isn’t really all that easy to do. Most people employ the help of little programs for things like that, but the software used to embed the terminal is rarely updated to new versions of various distros.
One, however, has stayed intact, and this tutorial will help you through the process of putting the terminal right where we all need it – on the desktop.
First of all, you need to create a new Terminal profile that will run under the parameters you will set later. Open up your Terminal, then go to File, New Profile, type “Transparency” (without the quotes) as the title, and then click Create.
This creates the profile necessary to continue. You now need to fix a few settings. Under Title and Command, change the initial title to Transparency and select Keep Initial Title in the drop down menu. Select transparent under the Background tab, and set it to be as (you guessed it) transparent as you like. Some people prefer completely clear, but make sure the font color will stand out against your existing desktop background.
Next you want to download the program that will make all this possible. In your terminal, type:
sudo apt-get install devilspie
Next, you need to create a configuration file for your profile:
mkdir ~/.devilspie
gedit ~/.devilspie/Transparency.ds

Then take the following piece of code and pasted it in Transparency.ds:
( if
( matches ( window_name ) "Transparency" )
( begin
( set_workspace 4 )
( undecorate )
( skip_pager )
( skip_tasklist )
( geometry "890x694+178+58" )
( below )
( pin )
( println "match" )

Almost there! Now all you need to do is make sure that your computer opens a Terminal window in this manner each time it boots. Under System Settings open Startup Applications. First, click add, and under command, type:
devilspie -a
Then click enter. Click add again, and under command type:
gnome-terminal –window-with-profile=Transparency
That’s all there is to it. Reboot your system, and when it comes back up you should find a handy terminal window built right into your desktop, ready to work at whatever you desire.
If the configuration listed here does not quite work for you, experiment with the code you pasted in Transparency.ds under “geometry”. Those are the parameters the system uses to place the box. Of course, you can always fiddle with the color and transparency settings assigned to the profile by going to the Terminal and clicking on Edit, then Profile Preferences.
This neat, quick little quick little fix will be of interest to your Linux inclined friends and make Windows users wonder why they can’t do the same thing.

How to Block Facebook, Twitter, Email for Few Hours Daily

install the Website Blocker extension. Edit some settings and you can block any website for as many hours as you want.
Choose the settings wisely and the extension provides a simple interface to  block websites, as many as you want and at custom times you want. You can also type an optional message.

How to Block Any Website for Employees / Users

This extension works well if you want to prevent access of social media sites by your employees. Simply block the sites during working hours and they will never know how to access them.
1. Hide the Website Blocker icon from the Chrome toolbar. Right click the icon and click “Hide button”
Hide button
2. Disable the link from showing in the block message alert which can guide people to disable the options. Also disable the ability to edit settings from the popup alert options
block disable link
Unless people really know how to browse around into Chrome settings, identify the website blocker, experiment with its settings and disable it –  it should work to block websites for most people. Just keep Chrome as default and only browser on the computer.

intro to ipv6