LeetCode 739 Daily temperatures solution - O(1) space O(n) time
Below is my explanation in detailed manner.
The problem statement asks for finding the number of days you have to wait until a warmer temperature, given a list of daily temperatures.
Here's how the code work without using monotonic stack:
- Initialize variables:
- `n` represents the length of the input list `temperatures`
- `hottest` keeps track of the highest temperature encountered so far.
- `answer` is initialized as a list of zeros with the same length as `temperatures`. It will store the result.
- Iterate over the `temperatures` list in reverse order:
- Starting from the last day (`n - 1`) and going backwards to the first day (`0`), we process each day one by one.
- Check if the current day's temperature is greater than or equal to the `hottest` temperature encountered so far:
- If it is, update the `hottest` temperature to the current day's temperature and continue to the next iteration since there won't be any warmer days after this.
- If the current day's temperature is not hotter than the `hottest` temperature, we need to find the next warmer day:
- Initialize `days` as `1` since at least one day is required to be warmer than the current day.
- Use a while loop to increment `days` and check the temperatures of subsequent days (`temperatures[curr_day + days]`).
- If the temperature of the subsequent day is still lower or equal to the current day's temperature, it means we haven't found a warmer day yet. In this case, we add the number of days needed to reach the warmer day (`answer[curr_day + days]`) to `days` and continue the while loop.
- Once we find a warmer day, we update `answer[curr_day]` with the number of days (`days`) needed to reach that warmer day.
- After the loop completes, we have processed all days, and `answer` contains the number of days to wait until a warmer temperature for each day in the input list.
- Return the `answer` list, which holds the results.
The time complexity of this solution is O(n), where n is the length of the input list `temperatures` and constant space which is O(1) complexity.
class Solution:
def dailyTemperatures(self, temperatures: List[int]) -> List[int]:
n = len(temperatures)
hottest = 0
answer = [0] * n
for curr_day in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
current_temp = temperatures[curr_day]
if current_temp >= hottest:
hottest = current_temp
days = 1
while temperatures[curr_day + days] <= current_temp:
# Use information from answer to search for the next warmer day
days += answer[curr_day + days]
answer[curr_day] = days
return answer
def dailyTemperatures(self, temperatures: List[int]) -> List[int]:
n = len(temperatures)
hottest = 0
answer = [0] * n
for curr_day in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
current_temp = temperatures[curr_day]
if current_temp >= hottest:
hottest = current_temp
days = 1
while temperatures[curr_day + days] <= current_temp:
# Use information from answer to search for the next warmer day
days += answer[curr_day + days]
answer[curr_day] = days
return answer
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